News > Starling Murmurations >
A murmuration is one of the biggest wildlife spectacles of the autumn season. Giant flocks of Starlings gather just before dusk over reed beds, fields and wooded areas where they swirl about in the sky creating strange patterns and shapes. It takes them a while before they get settled for the night, and during this time they swoop about in groups sometimes numbering hundreds of thousands.
The patterns they create in the sky can be quite mesmerising. As they shape-shift around above their roost site they often look more like a cloud of wind-blown smoke than a flock of birds. With so many wings beating at the same time the air around them literally throbs and hums, hence the name 'murmuration'.
Anyone can enjoy this spectacle as there are large congregations of starlings in most parts of the UK. One tip, if you're underneath the starlings, it's advisable to wear a hat.
More info at: UK Safari Starlings Fact File
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