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Dingy Skippers

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Dingy Skipper

Dingy Skipper butterflies start taking to the air in May.  These butterflies were once quite common, but sadly their numbers are now in decline.  They are fast flying butterflies.  Their little grey-brown wings beat so rapidly they can easily be mistaken for one of the day-flying moths.

You can sometimes find them resting on bare soil or on stones with their wings spread wide open to soak up the warmth of the sun.  They feed on yellow flowers, especially buttercups, bird's-foot trefoil and horseshoe vetch.

At night they perch on flowerheads with their wings laid out to the sides in a roof-like position.  It's a roosting position not seen in any of the other UK butterflies.

More info at: UK Safari Dingy Skippers Fact File

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