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Identify It >   Birds Section >   Jackdaws >

Quick Facts

Scientific name:  Corvus monedula

Size:  Approx 30 to 34cm

Distribution:  Found throughout the UK

Months seen:  All year round

Life Span: 5 years (source BTO)

Habitat:  Farmland, woods, cliffs, parks

Food:  Omnivore (will take worms, insects, seeds, eggs etc)

Special features:  Jackdaws are the smallest member of the crow family found in the UK.  They have black and grey plumage with a pale grey patch on the nape of the neck.  The beak and legs are also black.  Adult birds have strikingly pale blue eyes.

Jackdaws nest in trees, the nests of other birds, and frequently in chimney pots on houses.  Jackdaws often pair for life.

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