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Photo: G. Bradley
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A great way to see all the details on these spiders and other small
creatures is with a special magnifier box - click
Latin name: Lepisma saccharina
Size: Approximately 15 to 20mms long.
Distribution: Found throughout the UK.
Months seen: All year round.
Food: Silverfish are scavengers feeding on anything from mould to flour,
even the glue on cardboard cartons.
Habitat: Often found in houses in bathrooms or kitchens. They rarely do
any damage.
Special features: Silverfish are primitive, nocturnal insects. Like
living fossils, they have hardly changed since the days when they used to
scuttle around between the toes of dinosaurs in the primeval forests. Today, you
are more likely to find them hiding beneath your kitchen sink.
Silferfish, as the name suggests, have silver coloured, flattened bodies covered
in tiny hairs. They have three tails, small eyes, no wings, and antennae almost
as long as the body.
Did You Know: Silverfish can live for up to one year without food.
UK Safari Creepy-Crawlies Section
