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Photo: Mark Simms |
Safari Tip:
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Latin name: Accipter gentilis
Size: Wingspan approx 105cm. Length approx 60cm.
Distribution: Quite rare, but found in many parts of England Wales and
Scotland. Stronghold is Wales and central England. Absent from Northern Ireland.
Months seen: All year round.
Habitat: Mainly coniferous and beech woodland.
Food: Birds and mammals such as squirrel, rabbit, pigeon, pheasant.
Special features: Goshawks are slate grey coloured on their backs
and white below. The breast and undersides of the wings are closely barred with
grey. There is a thin dark line over the eye, with a wider white stripe above it.
The females are about the size of buzzards. The male is around one third
smaller. Males can appear very similar to sparrowhawks.
The juvenile goshawks are more brown in colour with dark brown speckling on the
breast feathers.
When seen in flight goshawks have broad wings and a
long tail.
Goshawks became extinct in Britain in the early 1900's, but started to appear
again in the 1960's. This was probably the result of falconers birds escaping
into the wild.

UK Safari Birds of Prey Section
UK Safari Bird Section
