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the Pigeon

Squeaky meets
another Safewings resident
In June this year we received an urgent e-mail
from a lady named Helen in Middlesborough. Helen was working with the P.D.S.A.,
and had been caring for a very young feral pigeon, named Squeaky, for about two
weeks. Sadly, due to holiday and college commitments, she needed to find
somewhere that would take in and care for little Squeaky.
We were both a little surprised, when after talking, we found out we were many
miles apart. But Helen was so determined to find Squeaky a good home until he
could be released and distance was no object, so after three and a half hours on
the train Helen and Squeaky arrived.
Over the next few days Squeaky was introduced to some of the other resident
pigeons at Safewings. He has since found his niche and enjoys the company. Helen
even e-mailed us while on holiday in New York just to see how he was doing.
It's stories like this one which make our work complete, endorsed by the fact
that people really do care. Even after 40 years of rescuing injured animals
people still amaze us by their love of wildlife.
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